About Us
"Neo Zoë Koinonia"
About New Life Anglican Fellowship
We love Jesus. We seek to live lives pleasing to him, not out of compulsion but freely, out of the gratitude we feel for the freedom he won for us. Here is how we believe we can best please him:
The act of exercising love by genuine and honest service to others
The act of humbly asking God to bring his healing power to bear in our lives
The act of bringing ourselves into relationship with God
The act of praising and thanking God
Beyond Sunday morning worship, we meet in small groups periodically throughout the week. In those groups we pray together, study the Scriptures together, and serve God’s children together. We share one another’s burdens. We practice forgiveness, compassion and humility. For many years now we have maintained a relationship with intellectually challenged adults through a monthly meal we call the Mustard Seed Café. Our members serve on charitable boards and volunteer in a number of compassion ministries. We are good humored people but we take our faith seriously. We generally won’t push our beliefs upon you but if you ask us we will tell you that Jesus Christ is transforming our lives. We would love to meet you and get to know you, not because we need something from you but because you are unique and valuable and you are precious to our Lord.