New Life Anglican Fellowship
A church replant in the heart of Beaver County
New Life Anglican Fellowship
We are a small church replant that is worshiping, praying and studying in various venues around Beaver County, to bring healing and compassion to the communities in which we live. We invite you to “taste and see that the Lord is good” by joining in some of our activities. Everyone is welcome! More about us here…
Join Us

Sunday Worship
9:45 AM — Pre-Worship Music Begins
10:00 AM — Holy Eucharist

Home Groups
You are welcome!
[email protected]

Mustard Seed Café
On the fourth Sunday of every month, we provide lunch, fellowship, and worship for those with special needs—families, friends, and caregivers welcome!

Healing Services
God wants His children to be well, both physcially and spiritually, and he wants us to be close to Him. Both can happen during healing prayer
Worship Location
We are currently worshiping and learning together in person and online.
Join us as we regather in person!
Fellowship Hall of the
Beaver Valley Church of God
1013 Beaner Hollow Road
Beaver, Pennsylvania
We are also worshiping together using the Zoom App. Please contact us for login information. We would be pleased that you join us online!